
Planning: Shot list

Shot Number
Shot Type

A point of view shot of a tent from a low angle through a bush in the forest, setting the tone of uncertainty.
Tent zip opening. Male character peering out.
Close up of male putting on glasses.
Male leaves sleeping bag in search of wood. Dolly movement incorporated.
A point of view shot through the branches of the trees in the forest, focusing on Cyrus.
Over the shoulder shot from behind male character as he walks through the forest.
Shoved on the ground by an anonymous individual, and is seemingly being attacked as he struggles.
Mid-shot focusing on female tying her shoes and wondering out of the tent in search of her boyfriend.
Two shot of the female and the dead male character, through the perspective of a pair of spectacles.
Tabitha, Killer
Over the shoulder shot of Erin from the Killer as she sprints to safety, before being knocked out with the brick.
         XCUN/ALow angle extreme close up of the blood stained brick on the forest floor.


Planning: Storyboards












When we begin filming, we intend to use these storyboards to structure our main idea in production however, we may need to change a few minute details that may not be part of what we planned. This helps us to find potential problems before they occur, and save time in the process. Furthermore it allows room for experimentation before the genuine scenes are shot. The storyboards we are using consist of dialogue, camera movement and shot, location with rough sketches of our scene.


Planning: Filming schedule

Our plan is to film on the 17th of February. Our group plan is to start filming our horror opening on the 14th of February, in the half term. We will work from midday until we are satisfied with the end footage. Throughout the day, we will make sure to have photo-graphical evidence of taking part in the filming. We will also be sure work efficiently as we need consistent lighting in our production. 

Planning: Casting

Why is Casting important?

In my opinion, Casting is one of the most important processes in Pre-Production and requires a high amount of care when doing it. Casting involves running auditions from the potential actors, to find the most suitable person for your film. It is important that you find someone who is not shy in front of a camera, someone who will not burst out with laughter when filming, and someone who can create verisimilitude within the production.

This is Darren, playing the role of anonymous murderer. he was good for the role because of his height and build, this is good for the role because you couldn't have a small person as a murderer because it just wouldn't work.
This is Tabitha, playing the role of Tabitha. The reason why i chose her is because she is doing a level media at South-fields and has strong acting skills. She is not camera shy and can improvise if needed. She can also remember lines quite well. 
This is Daniel, playing the role of Ben. Daniel is Tabitha's boyfriend in the movie and real life, so it is easier to picture them camping together. He also does media so they both have very strong acting skills. 

This is Kofi, he is one of the directors and equal to Matthew Hope's role in the production. Kofi is also playing the part of anonymous murderer. We thought he was suitable for the role of the murderer, as he is a calm and collected individual which would work well in our production. His height is also beneficial because it means he is able to help in certain scenes when Darren is not around.


Planning: Mise-en-scene

Enthusiastic, idealistic, and creative. This is Erin. She is able to do almost anything that interests her. Great people skills. Need to live life in accordance with her inner values. Excited by new ideas, but bored with details. Open-minded and flexible, with a broad range of interests and abilities. Also the girlfriend to ben.

Friendly, adaptable, action-oriented. This is Ben, his is focused on immediate results. Living in the here-and-now, he is a  risk-takers who lives a fast-paced lifestyle. Impatient with long explanations. Extremely loyal to his peers, but not usually respectful of laws and rules if they get in his way of getting things done. Also Tabitha's boyfriend. 

And finally we come to the anonymous murderer. He was bullied at school by everyone, he was isolated and started to fantasise about killing the teenagers that bullied him, he then worked at his fathers construction yard for 20 years with his father. But then his father got run over by a teenage couple who driving erratically. He then killed this couple and this started his killing spree.