

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

As a group I feel we have learnt mostly about research and its importance after the preliminary task that we did in school. This gave us a greater understanding concerning who we were catering to in our production and how we could best suit it towards them. We learnt to specify who we were targeting to narrow down the many different groups that consumed film of the horror genre. We effectively did research on the internet of the genre groups, and created a survey to accommodate our target audience. This taught us how to get qualitative information we needed to shape the style of our opening and its structure. When looking at the aspect of location we independently decided upon a suitable location to shoot our opening. In order to do this we took into consideration the convenience of being able to access the various areas, as well as the flexibility we would have to express ourselves with various planned shots and angles. This gave us our most suitable location in the least amount of time.

In the filming process, we were able to gather a lot of footage when filming which allowed us to have no re-filming needs. This however, made construction of our film more difficult when it came down to editing. We needed to be able to gauge how long each shot and scene needed to be, and it made this process all the more harder. In the end when we cut our footage to a reasonable length, we did so because, we opted to go for diverse shots and angles to include in the opening. These decisions showed what we had acquired in skills over the course of the project because it meant we were able to apply our research and construction together to produce the correct result.

On the whole I think that the skills we have learnt were not the only things necessary to completing the project, but they aided us in the presentation and quality of our work in general. I feel that my group learnt that they needed to be able to utilise the technology as best possible in order to get the most out the hard work we had done.


Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

For our group to be able to construct our product, we were in need of experience from varying software that we were not familiar with. During this process we have learnt a lot about how they work and their capabilities.

The first piece of software we needed to be able to use well was blogger. This was one of the easiest of the technologies to pick up, because of it's clear and simplistic mechanisms. The technology was predominantly used for our coursework and was consistently used throughout the course of our project. From the program I was able to learn how to make my own unique posts and display them on my blog. This opened up a range of possibilities from embedding videos, to photos and links that could be utilised for one post. We could also include 'Prezzi' which was a different form of presentation we could put in a post for our blogs. This made the coursework easier to organise, as there was a means by which to store it efficiently. 

To prepare for filming we were set a preliminary task where we filmed using an I Pad. This experience from the Preliminary task, made us aware of different frames and angles that were taken in consideration when shooting. Though these weren't the cameras we would use for our own finished openings, they provided a unique insight on camera work When shooting our actual finished opening, we found that though the camera was similar hardware to the I pad, its practicalities varied. An example of this for the I pad is that we often had issues with lighting, unless we were in natural light. For the camera our group used we didn't encounter these problems, however there were some audio related difficulties, particularly when the sound was too near or far.

For our editing process, we made first used 'I movie', which is an editing software exclusive to the Macs we were using. It was easy to use when it came to the trimming of our preliminary task, and chopping it down to a suitable length. The experience was probably made easier, because we had a specific set of shots to use. With that set in mind, using  the premiere pro software, editing was slightly more complex because there were more functions within. These included transitions and titles that could be used for our opening. The program also had a different format which only added to the complication of effectively operating it.
 The internet proved reliable to our group when it came to our research into opening titles, sound, and editing. It was an essential tool by which we could go in further depth of the in learning about the different skills needed for our finished opening. The individual sites used most were Google and YouTube. Google served as a search engine to access the websites that were vital to progress in research, e.g 'Art of the title', or 'free sound' to layer for sound editing purposes. Youtube provided some evidence and information in the formatting of videos which we could embed in our blogs. e.g How to make a good 60 second pitch.