
Planning: Location

The location we considered was a wooded area close by. This location needed to be a heavy wooded area, so it would be suitable because horror films are meant to be set in a secluded location. This creates a sense of isolation for the character, so there is more of a fear factor as they feel that they are not near civilisation and cannot scream for help.

The first location we considered was the Brambleside woods. The location was a possible option that would fit the requirements needed for our and opening, because it was a well wooded area which was able to fit into our originally decided location and premise. This was also the most appealing to our group, mostly because it was the closest place to film, and easiest to access. The location was also quite large so we were more flexible in terms of which area to choose to film. This could come in useful in case we needed to re-film at all, perhaps due to lighting issues in particular. With the benefit of the size comes a possible flaw to the location, with the potential for audio problems. This is due to the road that is in vicinity of the area we want to film, and could be very busy while filming. 

The second possible location that was considered was an enclosed area that was also dense with trees. The location was able to fit the category in terms of isolation that is felt in the background location. This area in comparison to the Brambleside, is more difficult to access as the entrance is not as well maintained as the Brambleside entrance. This location is also not as close by as the previous one, meaning some further complication could be caused in the scenario that we need to re-film.

We decided on this location because it was abundant in trees that were needed for the wooded area we wanted to recreate for our original plan. It also provides the shady settings suitable for the dark ambience needed for our scene. The location is relatively nearby, and also well secluded so there would be no problems with interruptions.

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