


  1. You have made a good start to the course and I am pleased with the evidence of work that has been posted onto your blog. You have shown that you are able to complete all of the basic tasks necessary to make your blog appealing and informative for your target audience - the OCR moderator.

    As we move forwards I would now like you to try to develop the following 2 step approach to all posts whenever possible:

    Describe the task that you have completed (in detail if you want a level 4 mark)

    Explain what you have learnt from completing this task (again, detail is required for level 4)

    The necessary third step is not something that can be detailed in your posts but it is an important one. It is vital that you apply the learning to ensure that you produce coursework of a big standard.

    So. Move from describe, to explain to apply.

    Can you reply to this comment and explain to me what you have learnt from the process of storyboarding?

  2. The task my group was given was a short film about a character who walks into a room and exchanges dialog with another character. Before we started i though it was going to be easy, but then i realized we had to incorporate 4 different camera angles, camera movement and camera shots into are production. The process of story-boarding made this much easier because we knew which shot to use for each scene and when to use it at the appropriate time.

  3. I would have liked to see more explanation above regarding what you have learnt from the process of storyboarding. As a process, storyboarding allows you to think carefully about what needs to be in place for filming. It allows you to consider where, what and how action needs to be filmed. Time spent on storyboarding is time saved when filming.
